Gulov Khurshed Apps

German Verbs' Cards 1.0
Application destined for learning as much ofirregular and strong verbs of German language at short time andhave two modes: "Cards" and "Testing". In "Cards" mode you havepossibility to see all verbs, that designed like cards forlearning. On one side of card you can view three forms of verbs inGerman and on another side translation on Russian. After viewingcard you must place card in "Learned" or "Not Learned" for what youcan touch to screen with your finger and swipe to needed direction(to left or to right). "Testing" mode destined for checking thelevel of your knowledge. In this mode you can choose the form ofverbs for testing and difficulty of the test. Questions divided on4 categories: infinitiv, präteritum, partizip II and all forms.After choosing form of the verb you need to choose difficulty ofthe test. You can choose one of four types: Simple, Medium, Hardand Expert. Difficulty of the test have distinction by quantity ofthe questions: Simple - 50, Medium - 100, Hard - 150 and Expert -200 questions. When you finish testing you will see your result inpercent of correct and wrong answers. Results of tests will savedin tables of high scores, that you can see in "Highscores" menu ofapplication's main menu. Highscores divided and by times and bydifficulty of every form of the verb. Good luck in your learning:)
Business English Cards 1.0
If you want to be successful, rich, work inleading corporations or own such corporations, you need to know,without which today can't bypass any successful businessman -business terminology. Business terms of the English language isalso called business English and if you are full of confidence andready to take a step to success, then this app is for you. The appcontains 451 words and phrases commonly used in business and giveyou opportunity to study them interactively. The application isbased on the method of "learning cards", which allows us to studythe largest number of words in the shortest amount of time spent.The application contains two modes: "Cards" and "Test". In the"Cards" mode you have the opportunity to view all the availablewords and phrases, and has a simple and intuitive interface. Cardsare grouped by letter. To view all the cards need to move to othergroups of letters by pressing the appropriate button with letterthat you need. All letters are placed in the top of the screen toview the letters off the screen you must swipe your finger on thefield with the letters. Viewing of cards also carried out byswiping your finger on the screen, to see the second side cards youneed to double-tap on the card. Auto scrolling can be activated bypressing the button marked with "Play" and the application willautomatically display English word, then translation and move on toother cards of chose letter till last card. Auto scrolling can beturned off at any time by pressing the button with "Stop" mark.Clicking on viewing statistics, you can view your progress, whereyou can see the overall progress and the progress of the currentletter. Progress of learning of each card shown at the top of thecard in the form of green and red stripes, the greener strip, themore progress, and if in the test you has not yet answered to thecard, the strip will be red. The "Test" is used to test yourknowledge. First, you are prompted to select the number ofquestions, and then begin testing and you will be offered to chooseone of four answers for the question. Each correct answer willincrease the progress of the card, which in turn will increaseletter progress and overall progress. Each time questions will begenerated in different order. Recent icons indicate the currentnumber of the card (the icon on the left side) and the totalquantity of cards (the icon on the right side). Learn BusinessEnglish with our application.
Irregular Verbs' Cards 1.1
English language without verbs - it's notEnglish and if you decide to learn them, this application is foryou. Application destined for learning as much of verbs of Englishlanguage at short time and has two modes: "Cards" and "Testing". In"Cards" mode you have possibility to see all verbs that designedlike cards for learning. On one side of card you can view threeforms of irregular verbs in English and on another side translationon Russian. After viewing card you must place card in "Learned" or"Not Learned" for what you can touch to screen with your finger andswipe to needed direction (to left or to right). "Testing" modedestined for checking the level of your knowledge. In this mode youcan choose the form of irregular verb for testing and difficulty ofthe test. Questions divided on 4 categories: infinitive, pastsimple, past participle and all forms. After choosing form of theverb you need to choose difficulty of the test. You can choose oneof four types: Simple, Medium, Hard and Expert. Difficulty of thetest has distinction by quantity of the questions: Simple - 50,Medium - 100, Hard - 150 and Expert - 255 questions. When youfinish testing you will see your result in percent of correct andwrong answers. Results of tests will saved in tables of highscores, that you can see in "Highscores" menu of application's mainmenu. Highscores divided and by times and by difficulty of everyform of the verb. Thank you for choosing this application and ifyou like this app please rate it. Good luck in your learning:)
Diamonds' glen 1.0
Once started your way, there is no wayback.All you need - is to shoot, jump, collect gold stars and coloreddiamonds.Do not fall! You are alive while you are moving.Control your steps! The land, though is stable, but it is notpermanent, and resources are limited.If you play the game for the first time, you can first use thetraining mode and at 20 seconds learn how to play.We wish you a pleasant game and victory, victory and once morevictory!
Squares 1.0
The aim of the game "Squares" isthedestruction of colored squares before not remain the lastrow,which contains on one square less than other rows.Squarescontrolled by swipes towards a blank cell that square willmove toblank cell. For destroy the row of squares, you need to fillin thebottom row of the game field with monochrome squares and ifsquareshas numbers, place them by order, begin from left side fromnumber1 and so on, after which they will be destroyed.The fewer moves and the less time you spend on the completion ofthestage, the more points you get. When you finish one stage willbeopened following stage.There are 5 game modes: In normal mode, you must destroy squaresinarbitrary order. In the following modes, numbered squares shouldbeplaced by order. If you in the play mode, wherein the color isseton the top of the playing field, you must destroy the boxes bythecolor order that the game requires from you. In the mode withatime limit, you are given a limited amount of time to destroythesquares of a certain color, a time bar will be shown at thebottomof the playing field.The game is very useful for the development of human thinking andtofind a quick solution in difficult situations.